Benefits of Token Gating and Token Voting

Time to read: 5 minutes

Date: March 21, 2023

Token gating is a popular method used by decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs) to ensure that those who have invested in the project are incentivized to vote in favor of decisions that will make their investment more valuable. Token gating involves using a system where each group is limited to a certain number of wallets and each wallet has one vote. This limits the ability of malicious actors to manipulate the vote, but it could also create more issues than it solves. In this blog post, we will discuss the benefits of token gating your surveys as well as token weighted voting. We will also look at other important considerations such as code audits, whitelisting users, and static analysis tools which can help make sure that your survey is secure and fair.

Increased Security 

Token gating is a great way to ensure that only authorized users can take surveys and access data. This is especially important for surveys that contain sensitive information or are used to make decisions about important matters. Token gating helps protect the integrity of the survey by preventing malicious actors from manipulating the results. It also ensures that only those who have been granted access can take part in the survey, which helps maintain privacy and confidentiality. Furthermore, token gating allows organizations to track who has taken the survey, ensuring that all participants are legitimate and that no one is able to take the survey multiple times. By using token gating, organizations can rest assured that their surveys are secure and reliable.

Improved Efficiency 

The benefits of token gating your surveys are many and varied. Perhaps most importantly, it can help to improve the efficiency of the process by ensuring that only those with a vested interest in the project are able to vote. This can help to prevent manipulation of the vote by malicious actors. 

Additionally, using a system of token-weighted voting can also help to ensure that those who have invested more in the project are given more say in its governance. Finally, if security is a major concern, it is important to have the code audited, peer-reviewed, and beta-tested before implementing any changes. This will help to ensure that any potential exploits are identified and addressed before they can be exploited.

Overview of Token Weighted Voting 

Token weighted voting is a popular method used by decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs) to ensure that those who have invested in the project are incentivized to vote in favor of decisions that will make their investment more valuable. In token weighted voting, each token is assigned a certain number of votes, and the total number of votes cast is based on the amount of tokens held. 

This system can be vulnerable to malicious actors who may be able to gain control of a large number of tokens in order to manipulate the vote. To prevent this, votes are often taken from a snapshot instead of from wallet addresses. Additionally, code audits and static analysis tools can help identify any potential exploits in the code before it is deployed.

Overview of Wallet Address Voting 

Wallet address voting is a form of governance that uses wallet addresses to cast votes instead of token weighted voting. This system allows for more secure voting as malicious actors cannot gain control of a large number of tokens to manipulate the vote. It also prevents issues such as double voting and vote buying. However, it can be difficult to implement, as it requires creating a whitelist of wallet addresses and ensuring that the code is bug-free. Additionally, it may be difficult to find someone willing to audit the code if security is a major concern. Nevertheless, wallet address voting can be an effective way to ensure secure and fair governance.

Ability to Whitelist Users 

When whitelisting users, it is important to consider how much gas will be used when uploading a large array of users. If too much gas is used, some users may not be able to be whitelisted due to gas limits. To avoid this issue, consider using Merkle Trees for whitelists. Additionally, don't increment storage values in loops as this will use a lot of gas; instead create a temp memory variable for that purpose. Additionally, if there are only a few items left to be minted and the user selects more than that, the transaction will fail, so it is best practice to allow them to mint whatever is left and refund the left over ether.


You can also use the burn function to remove someone from the club if necessary. If you want to make sure that your governance contract can always transfer the token away from a member, you can give it a persistent approval. This will ensure that the contract can always perform its duties. It is possible to make a change to an open source project and have it be judged on its merits and accepted. However, any pull requests not coming from within the company are often ignored, making it a waste of time for those outside the company to even try.


Token gating your surveys is an effective way to ensure that only the most qualified and trusted participants are able to participate in surveys. By utilizing token weighted voting and wallet address voting, organizations can create a secure and efficient survey environment. Token gating provides increased security by preventing unauthorized access to surveys, improved efficiency by allowing users to quickly and easily access surveys, the ability to whitelist users in order to ensure that only the most qualified participants are included in the survey, and cost savings by utilizing static analysis tools. Ultimately, token gating your surveys is an effective way to ensure that you receive accurate and reliable data from your survey participants.